Product Description
Stainless steel exhaust manifold front heat shield to suit the OM352 engine.
This heat shield is fitted over the exhaust manifold and covers the front section of the manifold forward of the turbo to direct the radiant engine heat down and away from the cabin.
A significant reduction in temperature is achieved and makes for a much more enjoyable driving experience.
To suit the Ex ADF U1700L and others with an OM352 engine.
Note: These are to suit the flat square manifold spreader bar, if you have the early curved/wavy spreader please contact us.
The rear heat shield may be found HERE
100% Made in Australia by MogBitz
Tech Tips:
**Do NOT use exhaust blankets or exhaust wrap on cast iron exhaust manifolds!**
When exhaust blankets or exhaust wrap is used on cast iron manifolds, it creates a situation where the manifold doesn’t cool off evenly.
What happens is the flanges on the manifold will cool off quicker than the body. The flanges are typically where exhaust manifolds will crack or break, and uneven cooling will exacerbate this problem.
This is not just the flanges that bolt to the head, this includes the ‘pipe’ as well.
Installing any exhaust blankets or wrap on a cast iron exhaust manifold totally encapsulates the manifold and doesn’t allow for any heat release.
This leads to the manifold heating up past its rated temperature and results in rapid manifold degradation, premature failure and a costly repair bill.
Insulating cast iron manifolds with heavy heat shielding that stands off the manifold can drastically reduce under bonnet temperatures.
Examples of what happens when you use a blanket or wrap is set out in the gallery, this is from a vehicle that had a blanket fitted.